Thursday, November 8, 2012

Graphic Formats

PNG: Portable Network Graphics- PNG can be pronounced two ways. One way is "ping" and the other way is "P-N-G". It is used pretty often on the web and is a popular choice for the application of graphics. The format PNG was first introduced in 1994 which was after JPEG and GIF because JPEG and GIF had already been around for years. PNG has many benefits that come from GIF and JPEG. For example PNG enables  compression of images without loss of quality and PNG has 24-bit color like the JPEG however the PNG format supports the alpha channel  unlike JPEG and GIF and PNG may include more than 16 million colors.

GIF: Graphics Interchange Format- GIF is a compressed image file format  that uses a compression formula that was first developed by CompuServe. Gifs are based on indexed colors, which has about 256 colors. This reduces the size of the file. The compressed image files can be easily transmitted over the Internet or a network.

JPG/JPEG:Joint Photographic Experts Group-  JPEG stands for "Joint Photographic Experts Group" because it's the name of the committee that made this format. You don't have to remember all that just know that JPEG is a compressed image file format.

TIFF: Tagged Image File Format- This is a file format which is pretty much used to store images like snaps and line art. This was first created by the Corporation Aldus with some help from Microsoft for things like purposes of Post Script printing, TIFF is a great and a very famous format for high color resolution images. Formats like this one in particular are supported by applications such as Photoshop, GIMP, you lead Photo impact, Paint Shop Pro etc.


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